Full support and software solution for editing and managing cadastral data up to the completion of land registration procedures

  • Εποπτεία & Διαχείριση

    Αμφίδρομη αντιστοίχιση χωρικών και περιγραφικών δεδομένων.
  • Συγκεντρωτική Εικόνα

    ιδιοκτησιών. Εντοπισμός και επισήμανση σφαλμάτων.
  • Λεπτομερείς Συνδυασμένες

    αναζητήσεις προσώπων, γεωτεμαχίων, δηλώσεων, δικαιωμάτων.
  • Εκχώρηση & Διαβάθμιση

    δικαιωμάτων χρηστών ανά ΟΤΑ ή μελέτη.
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Innovative Designwithout menu (touch ready)

The design logic of tabs and the absence of pull down menus makes the application immediately operational in systems equipped with touch screen.

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Spatial & Descriptive all in one application

The continuous connection of the descriptors to the spatial data ensures their integrity and prevents errors.

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Responsible Support without hidden terms

We consider the service to our customers a complete and thorough service "as a service" to the end, and not as a "vendor after sales service" with vague conditions.

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The software that we provide as part of our support for the successful formulation and delivery of Cadastral Data Base concerns a desktop application implemented with the use of Microsoft Visual Studio .net and ESRI Publisher Controls, ie the two leading software companies in their field, so that development, debugging and adding new features to be as fast as possible, safer and practically without restrictions.

The application is multi user without limiting the number of users and uses as Database in Microsoft SQL Server (and the version Express) both descriptive and spatial data (ESRI ArcSDE).

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